The famous Italian designer suggested one change. Will we ever kill the bug? The best kept secret in Washington, D.C.
33 years later, he got the bug. The Volkswagen is the one in red. That's how many times we inspect a Volkswagen.
Is the economy trying to tell you something? It's ugly, but it gets you there. After we paint the car we paint the paint.
Pick the right day to test drive a VW and you'll have the road to yourself. One hour later, it won't get hungry again. It comes in its own box.
Can you spot the druggist from Toledo? They don't make them like they used to. What is it?
This is an ad for the Volkswagen Station Wagon. A Volkswagen, obviously. It does all the work, but on Saturday night which one goes to the party?
That's about the size of it. There's a little bug in every Karmann Ghia. How to make a '54 look like a '64.
Don't laugh. Think small. It was the only thing to do after the mule died.
Spinning Wheel
Little Woman
Jones and Krempler
Small wonder
No radiator problems. No radiator.
The Volkswagen stickshift. It makes you feel needed.
You should live so long.
  How to save up for a Porsche.  
Mass transit.
£196. All for the price of an Austin 1100. It's possible.
If he can make it, so can Volkswagen. See this unique demonstration at any Volkswagen showroom. No sir, its only a test drive, you dont have to buy it.
A Volkswagen for people who can't afford to be seen in a Volkswagen. Going, going...